Trip to Lille

Before dawn on Friday, 2nd November 47 Year 7 and Year 8 students and five teachers departed Kingsbury on a coach bound for Lille in north-east France. A short spell on the Eurotunnel and – hey presto! – we were in France.

First stop: the enormous beach at Petit Fort Philippe near Dunkirk. The tide was out so everyone enjoyed running around and some even made it down to the sea. Then on to the Lille Christmas Market, offering local food and drink, crafts and other gift items. Several stallholders, upon discovering we were teachers, said that they thought our children were very polite and well behaved. They said that most students had made an effort to speak French and they were very impressed. Kingsbury parents and teachers should be very proud!  After we had filled ourselves with potatoes and cheese or other delicious hot food, it was time to re-join the coach for the trip to the Château d’Ebblinghem where we stayed. We had the whole place to ourselves and found it very comfortable.

Up early in the morning for a walk through Boulogne-sur-Mer and a really enjoyable few hours in the Nausicaa Marine Centre, a magical place with lots to see, including the sea lions racing about in the water at feeding time.

Many of the students said they would like to have stayed longer in France, but two days was all we had so we made our way back to Calais for the Eurotunnel home.

A fantastic trip, immaculately organised by Steve Vadgama. Student behaviour was excellent; the students were patient when waiting, good-natured with changes and generally fun and agreeable. See you again next year we hope!

November Excel Day

Today our students were treated a wide range of activities, trips, motivational talks, cooking workshops, guest speakers and much more. During our Excel Days we take our students off their timetable and engage them in workshops that will develop them as a whole person. This is key for every student at Kingsbury High School as those days are designed to allow them to learn about topics they wouldn’t normally be thought about in a school environment.

Our Year 7 students went to various locations in London, the Year 8s learned how to read for pleasure as well as continued to develop their First Give charity projects. Careers Day was the topic for Year 9 students, whilst the Year 10s focused on the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge.

In the Upper school the Year 11s discussed mental health and met the guest speakers Maximize who talked to them about best practise for exam preparation.

Finally, our Sixth Formers enjoyed a carousel of activities, from yoga to cooking, to talks about how to best prepare for life at university, to health and wellbeing and guest speakers.

KHS wins School Leadership Academy of the Year 2019 Award

We are very pleased to announce that Kingsbury High School are the Sports Leaders UK’s Regional Winners of the School Leadership Academy of the Year 2019 Award.
During 2018/19 we provided the opportunity for 174 learners to develop their leadership skills through Sports Leaders Qualifications & Awards. This resulted in a minimum total of 2833 hours of recognised volunteering and social action being delivered within our school and the local community.

Leadership academies are those centres which demonstrate best practice in delivering sports leadership. We have been considered as the best centre in London, East & South East Region. 

The Linnean Society visit Science Club

On Thursday 7 November, Year 7 science clubbers participated in a workshop led by members of The Linnean Society of London (the world’s oldest active biological society).

The students learnt about cryptograms – plants and fungi that reproduce using spores rather than seeds. This was then followed by students using the age old textile art of felt-making to create a wool cloth to represent various cryptograms. The resulting work will be entered into the society’s annual competition.

School Concert

We kicked off our concert programme for the year with a Friends and Family concert on Thursday 31st October.

The concert was a delight with no tricks, and a programme of treats from students ranging from Year 8 to Year 11. The concert included solos and small groups with students playing a range of styles of music on a range of instruments.

Our next concert is the Winter Concert on Thursday 5th December 6-7pm in Tylers Hall. Please do come and support our students and join us for the concert.

Year 7 Residential Trip

Eighty nine, Year 7’s have just returned from their Carroty Wood residential.

This took place from Monday 28  to Wednesday 30 October. We visited Carroty Wood for the first time as this venue has replaced the old ‘Quinta’ and ‘Woodrow House’ residentials. The students took part in team building activities such as raft building as well as learning life skills for example being able to swim and ride a bike. 

The students that went had an amazing time and are excited to share their experiences. The students were supported by twelve, Year 12 leaders who were excellent role models to the younger students.

Thank you to all the teachers who supported the trip: Mr Cumbers, Miss McNeil, Mr Froy, Ms Snow, Mr Leyden, Miss Abdi and Miss Vekaria.

Sixth Form Debating Club

With the upcoming General Election our motion was a topical one, ‘The House would make voting compulsory’ arguing for the proposition were Nouh, Umayma and Priya – while on the opposition we had Bill, Devvan and Amal.

In lively debate the proposition argued that compulsory voting would ensure we had governments  that had a greater degree of legitimacy and a fair representation of the people stating that it has worked in Australia and other nations. Whereas the opposition refused to buckle arguing that voting was a civic right not a duty and that it would lay the foundation to give to rise an authoritarian regime. In a packed study room the motion was passed for the proposition.